January 31, 2011

Post 12: Theme 108 Flight

I caught these geese in flight at the National Western Stock Show in Denver. Sometimes the best shots come when you are there to photograph something else entirely (in this case the stock dog trials).
I played around with the recompose tool for the first time when editing this shot. I needed to crop out a partial bird, but I didn't want to lose the great blue sky on the right side of the photo. I'll definitely be using that tool more often.

Post 11: Theme 131 Gold

The Colorado State Capitol Building has an impressive gold dome. The dome is plated in actual gold to commemorate the Colorado gold rush. I think I've fulfilled this theme to its fullest potential - I've got the color gold and real gold!
(HDR must be my running theme at the moment... I think it just really suits these photos.)

Post 10: Theme 66 Curves

This photo is a little busy, but the interesting curves of this building really stood out to me. The HDR effect enhances the reflective properties of the buildings and makes it more eye catching. I didn't have the patience to remove the red lights from the photo.

Post 9: Theme 231 Purple

In looking ahead at the upcoming themes, I've realized "Autumn" is coming up. Since I obviously can't do that one "in order," I've decided to pick themes as they come across my camera lens. This should also help be catch up since I'm SO far behind in posting. So this is Theme 231: Purple.

This house caught my eye as we were driving around town. Purple trim on a house? To each his own. I enhanced the color with a pseudo-HDR plug-in and removed (most) of a neighboring house. A blue sky would have made the color pop even more, but Mother Nature was not cooperating.

Theme 8: Architecture

The unique shape of The Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver is an excellent embodiment of Theme Architecture. Since it was such a gloomy day, I did a very light pseudo-HDR effect to bring out the color of the building.

January 18, 2011

Theme 7: Aqua

I've been wanting to experiment with this technique for a long time, so I decided to use Theme Aqua as my excuse, even though technically it's Theme 7-Up. ;-)
I've still got a bit of blur on there, but my lighting wasn't the best.

January 14, 2011

Theme 6: Animal

One of my cats, Scrat, was stalking some unattainable prey through my sliding glass window. Which crop do you prefer? I think the light is cool in the larger shot, but her eyes really stand out in the tight crop.

January 11, 2011

Theme 5: Amazing

My goal with this blog has been to complete the themes in order so that I eliminate my ability to pick and choose themes to suit my mood. So I've been struggling with the theme "amazing." But as I sat at my computer and began to hear the cooing and babbling through the baby monitor, I realized, "Oh my goodness, he just took his second 1.5 hour nap of the day! That's amazing!" (He's a very brief napper.)
Then it hit me - this is my photo for Theme Amazing. It my not be the most artistic photo I could have taken, but today it was amazing.

January 7, 2011

The Plan

I've never considered myself a blogger. I prefer to capture moments in photographs. In an effort to encourage myself to further hone my skills, I plan to take 365 pictures during 2011. I will follow (as best I can) the daily themes presented here: http://klsbear.wordpress.com/365-challenge-2011-theme-list/
Obviously, I'm getting a bit of a late start, but I should be able to catch up soon. I hope to capture the moments of 2011 as I have never none in previous years.